
Leave No Trace was incorporated as a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization in 1994, though the Leave No Trace concept is over a half-century old. Care, responsibility and stewardship for the outdoors is not a new idea. Many Native American and Indigenous cultures teach and embody stewardship values, and have done so for eons.
Leave No Trace 為一非營利組織,於1994年依照美國國內稅收法(Internal Revenue Code, IRC)501(c)(3)成立,儘管LNT的概念已經存在超過半個世紀了。對戶外的關心、責任和管理並不是一個新的概念,許多美國原住民及本土文化教導實踐管理價值觀,並如此施行很久了。

In 1987, a “no trace” program was formed for wilderness and backcountry travel. The U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service and Bureau of Land Management cooperatively distributed a pamphlet entitled “Leave No Trace Land Ethics.” In the early 1990s, the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) was enlisted to develop hands-on, science-based minimum impact education training for non-motorized recreational activities. Then, in 1993, an Outdoor Recreation Summit with land management agencies, NGOs and members of the outdoor industry convened in Washington DC to form an independent Leave No Trace organization. Leave No Trace, Inc., was incorporated in 1994.
1987 年,一個為了荒野和鄉間旅行製定的“無跡”計劃形成。美國林務局、國家公園管理局和土地管理局合作分發了一本名為“不留痕跡土地倫理”的小冊子。在 1990 年代初期,國家戶外領導力學校 (NOLS) 受邀發展「為非機動休閒活動,可實踐,基於科學的最低環境衝擊教育培訓。」然後,在 1993 年,由土地管理機構、非政府組織和戶外行業成員組成的戶外休閒峰會在華盛頓特區召開,組成了一個獨立的“不留痕跡”組織。 Leave No Trace, Inc. 成立於 1994 年。

The organization, now known as the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, develops and expands Leave No Trace training and educational resources. The Leave No Trace Center conducts important research that impacts public lands and the general public. It engages with a diverse range of partners from the federal land management agencies and outdoor industry corporations to nonprofit environmental and outdoor organizations and youth-serving groups.

In 1994, the Center entered into the first of a series of Memorandums of Understandings with four primary federal land management agencies including the United States Department of Agriculture — Forest Service and the United States Department of the Interior — Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Park Service. Recently, the United States Army Corps of Engineers joined these federal land management agencies. In 2007, the National Association of State Parks Directors, the governing organization for state parks in the United States, and the Center developed a formal affiliate partnership to expand the possible use of the Leave No Trace program on state park lands.
1994 年,LNT中心與四個主要的聯邦土地管理機構簽訂了一系列協議備忘錄中的第一份,其中包括”美國農業部林務局”和”美國內政部土地管理、魚類和野生動物服務局”和國家公園管理局。最近,美國陸軍工程兵團加入了這些聯邦土地管理機構。 2007 年,美國州立公園董事會,美國州立公園管理機構與LNT中心建立了正式的附屬合作夥伴關係,以擴大在州立公園土地上使用“不留痕跡”計劃的可能性。

Today, the Leave No Trace program reaches over 15 million Americans and dozens of countries each year with conservation initiatives, education, training, research and outreach.  Corporate partners, individual members, foundation support, and the sales of Leave No Trace educational materials provide the primary support for the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics.
如今,“不留痕跡”計劃每年通過保護倡議、教育、培訓、研究和外展活動覆蓋超過 1500 萬美國人和數十個國家。企業合作夥伴、個人會員、基金會支持和不留痕跡教育材料的銷售為LNT戶外倫理中心提供主要支持。

A national, volunteer-based Board of Directors made up of leaders from the outdoor industry, national youth-serving organizations, nonprofit organizations, and the scientific community provide strategic leadership and set policy. A staff headquartered in Boulder, Colorado, carry out the organization’s programs and mission-related work.
由來自戶外產業、國家青年服務組織、非營利組織和科學界的領導人,組成的全國性、以志願者為基礎的董事會提供戰略領導和制定方針。總部位於Boulder, Colorado的員工執行該組織的計劃和與任務相關的工作。


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